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PTE Writing Summary and IELTS Statistical Writing

Greetings, our live viewers from all around the world. It's the time of the month. It's Connetics college every Monday of the week. You This week we are going to talk about IELTS Writing Task one and PTE writing task one.

So I'm Ervin Nil Temporal of 9.0 Niner. And together with me is Sir Brian Martin Sioson of 9.0 Niner. You've taken the IELTS, we are asked Sir Brian right here has taken both the IELTS and PTE. That's why for tonight, we are going to focus on writing task one. Writing Task Two by the way is the same for PTE and IELTS candidates. However, writing task one is different. That's why for tonight, that's going to be our focus. Now, we'd like to encourage you to tag as many friends as you can, especially those who you think will benefit from the live masterclass for tonight, focusing on writing tasks one off the IELTS and PTE. Now will also without also like to remind you that for tonight we're going to identify a lucky winner who's going to win an IELTS online course courtesy of 9.0 or so all you have to do is to tag as many friends as you can, and use the comments section in order to participate in the live discussion.

Now just in case you are not available to attend to the live and interactive version. Don't you worry because the recorded version of this one will be uploaded on the Facebook page of Connetics College immediately after the live discussion. And speaking of Connetics, we'd like to invite everyone who has plans of going to the United States to please stay tuned to the weekly event of Connetics college. So what exactly happens here? Every Monday of thttp://add a link to the page month, there is going to be a free class on NCLEX, IELTS OET , PTE, TOEFL. They are the required Nursing exam and require English examinations for someone to go to the United States every first and third Monday of the month. The topic is NCLEX. So please expect the partners of Connetics to talk about NCLEX every first and third Monday of the month. We have a spire RN and I pass every second and fourth Monday of the month. It's the turn of the Parker English review centers of Connetics to talk about IELTS, OET. and TOEFL every second Monday of the month is the turn of the swoosh English. Well, it's our turn every fourth Monday of the month. We are 9.0 Niner. So for now, we'd like you to use the comments section and tell us where you are from in order for us to properly grip all the live viewers worldwide. While you're doing that. I'll turn you over to Sir Brian, as I asked Sir Brian, initially, what are the differences between IELTS Writing Task one and PTE writing task one, Sir Brian, are you ready to join our discussion?

Yes, sir. Ready? Okay. Hello, guys. And thank you so much for joining us this evening. Here in the Philippines. I don't know what time it is in your place. But thank you so much for attending this session. Today we're going to have an insightful discussion about the differences and some similarities perhaps between the IELTS Writing Task one component and the first task of PTE writing, which is summarized written text. Now to give you an overview, there are striking differences between the IELTS Writing examination and the PTE writing test when it comes to the first task for IELTS writing. And I will be talking about the academic examination, you are supposed to be writing a statistical or process report, in which you're going to be reporting features and charts that you're going to see. So for example, you have line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, or tables. Or sometimes you have maps or illustrations and how things work, or cycles or processes. So these are the types of illustrations that you'll be given in a test. And what you're supposed to do is to write a report above the information that you're seeing.

So it's more of a descriptive report that you're supposed to write. Not really conclusive. You're just supposed to describe the main features of the charts that you're provided or the illustration, and you have to make relevant comparisons where necessary. So that's actually the gist of IELTS Writing Task one you're supposed to write, write a minimum of 150 words. And this is so different from when you're taking the PTE, because in PTE writing, what you're going to be given is not an illustration, not a chart, not a process, but instead a long piece of literature. It's a long selection, or a text that you will be provided in the test the prompt length will be roughly 300 words, and you will be given 10 minutes to work on a summary for the text that you're provided. You're supposed to write 202 300 words, no, sorry, you're supposed to write a summary of around five to 75 words for that's for the second part, you know your essay writing, you're supposed to write 200 to 300 words. But anyway, for the first task, you're supposed to write five to 75 words. And the most challenging aspect of PTE writing is you're supposed to only write a summary for just one sentence. out of 300 words, you're supposed to select the main features of that text.

And you're supposed to just write one sentence five to 75 words long. So that's supposed to be summarizing everything that you can see, in the passage quite difficult. If you ask me, and you only have 10 minutes here, for IELTS, you have a total of 20 minutes, ideally, but actually, in the test, you're provided one hour, one full hour that you can budget between the first task and the second task for PTE. It's not like that. It's just 10 minutes for this one. And that's it. And by the way, you don't have reading time, you don't have checking time, you have to do everything within 10 minutes. That's reading the passages. And then also writing your summary and checking your summary for consistency, grammar and spelling right before the time is up. That's 10 minutes. So there's also a lot of time pressure here when you're working on PTE. So I would say they're two very different exams. There's absolutely no similarity apart from the fact that I IELTS can be administered on computer and PTE is sometimes it's always sorry, delivered on computer. I also on the other hand, can be delivered on paper as well. So there are differences between these two exams.

Thank you so much, Sir Brian for the overview. Now it's time for us to greet our live viewers, especially for those who use the comments section. I'd like to remind everyone that we're going to identify the most active participant for tonight's Facebook Live, and whoever gets our attention will get a free online course courtesy off 9.09 Or we're going to identify the winner just before the end of our Facebook Live session. So now, let's take a look at the comments so far. We have Glenda Chiao Jimenez all the way from General Santos city in Mindanao Greece V greeted us good evening good evening to you to Greece V. March ko sin is watching all the way from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia So good afternoon to you our dear friends in the Middle East.

Then vice chuck commended great night yes it's a great night in the to learn more about IELTS Writing Task one and PTE writing task one wow. Rent Ryan POLIN para de or para Healy is watching all the way from Japan. And I know that in Japan, it's around 9:10pm So it's agreed that instead of just sleeping you're joining us for tonight's Facebook Live session here at Connetics college. And then who else do we have here? Me and Cubby thing is watching from a lawless Bula con find Corbin or 10 Corbin is watching from Cebu my younger BTS I'm a month so 19 has Mansa, Cebu also to our brothers and sisters in Mindanao manga be using you already have. Who else we have here. Jaime Buena Ventura is watching from Gula con Brent Ryan just greeted us in Nihongo con ma Konawa. And then li zi is also from Davao my hometown mangabey Nia, Lucia PABCO. is watching from the United States, United Arab Emirates, together when am I IB CC? Yes, we'd like to greet Miss Milanes as well, who's very supportive in all of our Facebook Live sessions, whether it's Connetics college, or onwards and upwards show, by the way, we just like to remind you if ever you have plans of going to the United States of America, but you do not have anyone in mind to help you with your application Connect is right here is a direct hire company, which means to say you don't have to go through third party agencies or any staffing agency as connected as a direct hire company. All you have to do is to go to the link, it's

And then just send us just upload a copy of your resume or your CV and rest assured there are representatives from Connetics who are going to communicate with you and talk about your options in going to the United States of America. Guys, let's take a look at the other comments. Deborah just greeted us in March. I will soon said okay both of us are proud this now for those of you who are not familiar What's this? That's short for besides what's not the goal so Bisaya the whole we are proud to be. We are generalist people have desires and Mindanao so manga BTC in your opinion Jessa fav is also from Cebu. By the way for those who are based in Cebu and Davao we are going to celebrate our 60th 9.09 or university this coming May we call this the grand IELTS OET PTE extravaganza may 6 Dusit Thani Makati may 13 CD slipped in that in Lipa city Batangas then may 20. That's in Cebu quest hotel, and that may 27. Davao City at Apple view.

We are inviting everyone planning to take IELTS OET RPP because the grand raffle prizes are free IELTS exam worth 12,000 pesos free OET exam worth 22 to 23,000 pesos and free PTE exam. That's 12,000 pesos by the way. Admission is free and Connetics is one of our participating partners. So come and join us learn from the experts face to face and who knows you might be going home with a free IELTS examination and we are free PTE exam or free OET exam and we need you to be early because for the early birds, the first 150 attendees are going to receive a free book courtesy of 9.0 Niner. Now who else do we have here? Bill salaam Hellfire is watching all the way from Egypt. Good afternoon to you over there in Egypt. We have someone from a local snore they're watching and Niles Wilson is watching from Bugatti and so now that we have properly greeted our live viewers. We are going to ask you which English examination Do you prefer to take? Is it IELTS or PTE? So that Sir Brian and I can decide which of the two English examinations we are going to focus on first. So by the way, we've mentioned this at the beginning of our Facebook Live session. Writing Task Two is exactly the same for both IELTS and PTE. That's essay writing. But what's the purpose of our Facebook Live session for tonight? Writing Task one, because in IELTS its statistical writing, we are asked for PTE.

It's summarizing written text. So let us know by using the comment section. Which English examination Are you more interested in? Is it the IELTS or PTE so that we would know which of the two exams were supposed to discuss first? Okay, let's take a look. So far, Jamie, bona, Ventura and Jessa faith, both of them responded. And we're choosing PTE. What about IELTS? We have 60 plus live viewers. Will those are? If you are interested to take the IELTS please let us know by using the comment section in order for Brian and I to decide which of the English exams we're going to talk about first. But speaking of the IELTS examination, month after month 9.09 Or celebrates a win after win, because just earlier today 9.09 Or in Makati launched our very first IELTS Testing Center on a computer. Yes, 9.0. Niner is not just a review Center. We are also an official testing center in the Philippines. But guys, I don't want to preempt things. But the launching earlier today in Makati is just one of the many computer testing centers and paper based testing centers were going to open nationwide Who knows 9.09 Or is going to open a testing center near you. So please make sure to follow our Facebook page because it's in there where we get to announce the latest updates. And speaking of latest update 9.09 are in IDB have a joint promo until June 30 of this year. So even if you are not review, we have 9.0 Niner.

But you indicate 9.09 or SCRD, feral Asian, we're going to give you a free book, obviously related to the examination. It could be for writing it could be for speaking and we're going to give you 500 vessels cash incentive provided that you indicate 9.09 Or is your wreath Ariel Asian. Now let's take a look if we have anyone here planning to take the IELTSs Okay. May and is planning to take IELTSs, gel IELTSs Marjorie, IELTSs, Niles. IELTSs, Mark Hill, Mary Kay Karen IELTSs, but we have Laurie Bell planning to take PTE, Marjorie, and Brent are both taking the IELTS. So we have a mixture of IELTS and PTE live attendees for tonight. Now, because more people are interested in the IELTS. Let's talk about pt e first. So sorry, Brian, earlier you mentioned that the candidates in PTE are provided with a long text. And then we are going to identify the chest and come up with 50 to 70 words. Did I get that right?

The mechanic sir, is to write a summary around five to 75 words. So thank you for that. So now Sir Brian, because you got the perfect grade of 90 over 90 in PTE writing? What exactly did you do in the writing subtests that made you earn the perfect grade in writing? Because I'm watching you to videos, and I'm listening to podcast sessions. It's just that there are certain lectures on the internet promoting the use of templates. So I'd like to ask you, did you use any templates? That's why you got the perfect grade PTE writing? Or what do you think about templates in general, let's hear it from someone who got the perfect grade PTE writing.

That's quite interesting, because it's not useful for this part of the examination. Now a lot of people tend to use templates, because it's a an easy fix. It's very accessible. And if you memorize templates, there's a tendency for you to write faster. But for this particular part of the examination, because most of the things that you will be writing are in the selection, templates will not work. And when you write templates, the computer will just interpret your templates to be off a focus or not related to the topic at all. And so the computer will not even give you a score for your summary. So it is not the best approach. To use templates. When you're writing summarized written text items, it is actually more helpful for you to read the text, understand what it is and try to use grammatical devices to fuse your clauses together and write the complex sentence.

I also actually see a lot of YouTube videos sir Ervin that say that you should write probably just 10 words, just a simple sentence to summarize the entire thing. But honestly, I don't feel that's going to work at all in the summaries for text component, because one of the traits that will be assessed in your PTE writing examination is whether you have been able to provide a good summary of the text, which means to say all of the relevant aspects have been covered. So if you're going to just write one sentence, you have 300 words To summarize, then that's not good, or just not really just one sentence, but maybe a 10 word sentence, say for example, a very short response, that's not going to cut it, it's not going to cover the selection so well. So my personal advice for those people who are taking some race reading texts, is to write at least 30 words, maybe up to 50 words in your examination throughout that size will be perfect, as that's going to help you to not only show complexity of your language, but also good coverage of the selection. So do away with templates don't create the very short and very summative response, make sure to put details as well from the passage that you have read and that's going to help you to get a perfect score. And the PTE summarize written text.

Thank you for that Sir Brian. Earlier, he mentioned by the way that PTE is exclusively delivered on computer, I else by the way is delivered in either paper or computer. So right now 9.09 are opened our first computer lab, but it does not mean that we are not going to be an official testing center for IELTSs on paper, wait for our announcements, because you'll never know if the next lab or the next testing venue that we're going to open is actually in your hometown. But speaking of this one, there are people who are technologically savvy who would prefer to take PTE because it's computer delivered. It's just that I'd like to ask first, I'd like to ask for the opinion of Sir Brian, what about those who are easily distracted? Because I was told that NPD they are roughly 15 candidates inside the room. So if deemed candidates are all typing together, and it's a little unfortunate that we are going to hear sounds inevitably do you think that these candidates must prepare for offer possible distractions in PTE writing Sir Brian?

Yes. And it is not at all. Quiet inside the room because there are so many people typing together with you especially during the writing test. So It is inevitable that you will be hearing a lot of background noise. And if you're the kind of person who gets easily distracted and you can't focus, you might miss the instructions. Or you might not actually be following the correct sequence or format for the examination, or you might not finish your task, there are a lot of consequences. So if you're the kind of person who gets easily distracted, even if you're white, you're wearing your headsets and they're supposed to muffle the sounds a little bit and try to insulate the your ears from all of the noise outside or inside the room, it is essential that you learn how to focus well. And if you're that kind of person who can't focus really well, then maybe you're better off taking a paper delivered test, just like the IELTS that's more traditional, and also more relatable examination to take.

And a lot of people actually benefit from that kind of scenario, or setting when you're taking the examination. If you are the kind of person who wants to always be concentrated on what you're doing for PTE, there's an intense level of concentration and attention that you require for you to be able to make sure that you're focused on what you're doing, and you're not distracted by the things going on around you. And this is also not to mention the fact that there's a lot of eyestrain, that's going to happen in the test because everything's going to be delivered through a computer, even your reading test. And this one summarized for it in text is actually reading and writing. So the texts are pretty long. So if you're the kind of person who gets easily ice trained, then the BDE might not be a good examination to take, you're better off taking the paper delivered IELTSs in which there's no ice train involved. Remember, there are benefits and taking a computer test. There are also disadvantages that you will have to weigh in so that you'll be able to decide which one is a better option for you.

Thanks for that Sir Brian. And before we go to the discussion of IELTS Writing Task one, I need to ask Sir Brian right here because he's more credible, knowing that I have taken only the IELTS both academic and General Training Module. But Sir Brian right here has taken actually three English examinations, IELTS on paper, IELTS on computer and PTE obviously on computer because there is no PTE on paper. So my question firstly, Brian is what would you say are the advantages of PTE over the IELTSs and the advantages of IELTS over PTE. Before I talk about IELTS Writing Task one?

Well, one of the advantages of the PTE is that you get your test results much faster at around, usually after you step out of the room within 24 hours most of the time, up to five days. So if you're in a rush, then the PTE is a good option. Also, the PTE is relatively shorter compared to the IELTS. Right now. It is just a couple of hours long. So that includes everything and you have to take everything in just a single testing date. Whereas when you're taking the IELTS, you will have to probably take the examination on two separate locations when you're taking IELTS on paper. Although when you're taking IELTS on computer and by the way, if you want to book your examination with us 9.0 And under offers I also on a computer long side the British Council in Makati. And you will have to take your examination on a single test date only if you are taking IELTS on a computer. That's one of the merits of taking the PTE over the IELTS but the IELTS is actually I would say a more relatable examination in the sense that the kinds of tests that you will be provided are very close to what you do every day, you will be talking to a live person you know a real live person in the speaking test. Your reading examination is a reading comprehension test which you probably have had before.

And you're ready examination is more of an essay writing or report writing test and you're not going to be summarizing things. Also you will be talking to a real examiner and not recording your answers based off prompts that are recorded, which is a natural when you're talking about the speaking examination. Also, I yield is probably one of the most if not the most prominent and globally accepted English examination I understand that some of you guys would be going to different states.

And if you're going to the US, I would have to warn you that not all State Boards of Nursing accept the PTE yet. I'm talking about right now. I don't know if it's going to be the same in the future. But right now not all of the states accept the PTE yet. Whereas the IELTS is more globally recognized it can be used for just about anything. So it also is a safer option and finally, when it comes to test dates, because I said a while ago, this is the most prominent English examination you will never run out of test dates there are test dates, every place, everywhere, every time. Now the PTE is offered in the Philippines into testing centers, we have Cebu, and Manila. And because a lot of people are clamoring for the PTE, the testing dates are scarce. Sometimes we will have to book the examination two months or three months ahead. That has never happened before. But right now, the testing sites are always almost always full. So it's a matter of luck to get a test date that is close to right now. So if you want to book your PTE have to book in advance. So there are pros and cons. And I hope that that helps you to decide which examination you would really want to take.

Thank you for that, Sir Brian. So to sum it up, number one advantage of BD results are readily available within 24 hours, unlikely if it's on paper that you need to wait for 13 days, or if it's on computer where you have to wait for three to five days. And then number two, B to E is shorter. You get to finish the examination in just two hours. That's for listening, reading, writing and speaking and there is no waiting time for your turn in the speaking subtests as you're going to finish everything, all four sub tests in just two hours at the same time. What about the advantages of IELTS over PTE is definitely more relatable in a sense that for the speaking portion, it's a casual conversation.

But in PTE you're going to talk to a computer and you're just going to respond based on prompts. At the same time for IELTS, we want to inform you that for the writing subjects you just write, but for PTE writing, you're going to read before you're right. That's what summarize written text is all about. So how can you summarize in the first place without reading so if you have a poor reading skills, definitely it's going to affect your performance in the writing sub tests because the nature of btw is integrated. Another advantage of the IELTS even if you want to take the examination three days from now, four days from now, go ahead because you will never run out of IELTS slots. Knowing that in the Philippines is on paper is available in nearly 30 key cities nationwide.

We are us for IELTS on computer 9.09 or Makati is the 10th testing center for IELTS on computer nationwide, but we'll never know if in the next few weeks we are going to announce more computer labs opening for the IELTS. Now let's move on to IELTS because as I look at the comment section, there are a lot of people who are interested in taking the IELTS. So guys, IELTS Writing Task one statistical writing, you're given a line graph, bar graph, pie chart table diagram, flowchart process or map. And based on this, you're supposed to write at least 150 words. Now ladies and gentlemen, take note that this is the minimum 150 Why? The moment you fail to reach 150 words, expect a penalty or a deduction. So the goal of all candidates in IELTS Writing Task one is to reach the minimum. But what about the maximum there is no such thing as maximum number of words in IELTS Writing. That's because what matters most is that you're able to reach the minimum. So even if there is no prescribed maximum, you have to be familiar with the time limit. If you look at the test booklet, it will tell you, you're given 20 minutes for task 140 minutes for a test. But it's not as if the test supervisor will collect your work after 20 minutes and after 40 minutes respectively.

What the test supervisor does is to give you one hour to finish both task one and task two. So guys, it really doesn't matter how many minutes you spend for each what's most important. Both of them are completed in one hour. But now let's talk about their values tasks koi 33% of your grade tasks to 66%. So having said that, may I ask the live viewers on Facebook now? We have nearly 80 LIVE viewers? which tasks are you supposed to write first in IELTS? Is it task one or task two? Will you please use the comment section and identify which test you're supposed to write first? Is it one or two? The reason why I'm saying this is because when I attended the International Conference on English language assessment in Shanghai, China, this was December one to five where I was sent by the British Council over there to talk about or to participate In the conference, I was told the 20% of the candidates coming from the Philippines cannot finish both tasks when in tests.

So what if you belong to the unfortunate 20% of the population who cannot finish both in one hour? Their problem, basically, you're going to expect a deduction. But let's take a look at the comments before we tell you if you're supposed to write tests with first or test Hoover's so far, almost everyone got it right, that you're supposed to write a test to first, why? I'll give you two scenarios. Guys, if you finish task one, but you're not able to finish task two, obviously, there is a penalty for that. If you finish task two, and you're not able to finish task one, there's also a penalty. But can you compare the penalty or the deduction, if you finished task two, and you're not able to finish tasks one versus the penalty if you finish task one, but you're not able to finish tasks two, the deduction is twice as much if you finish task one, but you are not able to finish tasks two, remember that the value of task two is 66% of your grade. That is why moving forward, whether it's IELTS on paper or IELTS on computer, we need you to begin with writing task two. So obviously for IELTS, you are provided with two sheets of paper one for task one, one for your tasks. It's up to you which of the two ears of both ciphers that Sir Brian some of our interviewees are asking us. What about IELTS one computer? Is it possible to shift from task one to task two? Or are you supposed to finish task two first before you move on to task one and vice versa? We need?

Yeah, that's a very interesting question serving because a lot of people are asking you that. In IELTS, the paper delivered format is going to be delivered in the same way as the IELTS on computer. So that means to say that you can shift between writing task one and writing task two at any time during your test. Which by the way, it's not possible in PTE. Because in PTE, you only move forward, there's no going back. So if you want to change your answers, or you've decided that your answer was not good enough, you want to edit it. You can't do that anymore, because once you click Next and move on to the next item, it is already encoded into the system. It is already graded. And unfortunately, you cannot change it anymore.

Thank you for that, Sir Brian. So now you heard it right from Sir Brian. And as you can flip flop from task one to task two writing, but in PTE, it's one direction, you have to finish task one first before you move on to PTE writing task two. So for our IELTS live viewers, most of you are going to ask so in the actual examination, which one are we likely to encounter? Is it a graph meaning a line graph or a bar graph? Or is it a process or a diagram? Let's see if our live viewers are still with us. Which one do you think comes out more frequently in IELTS Writing Task one in the actual exam? Is it a graph or a diagram. So guys, use the comment section because remember, we're going to identify a lucky winner for genetic who was going to win a free online course courtesy up 9.09 or so when we say graph. These are usually the ones with figures like numbers or percentage. But if it's a diagram, most of the time, we see arrows, we see cycles, we see pictures, illustrations.

Now let's see if some of our live viewers have already responded to our question. Okay, graph. So almost everyone got it right. Graphs are more common in the actual examination in actual IELTSs at 80 to 90% of the time, graphs come out. Well, there it's just 10 to 20% of the time when diagrams or illustrations come out. But now you're going to ask are the four kinds of graph meaning to say, pie chart, table, line graph or bar graph? Which of the four do you think are most common in the actual examination? So guys, we need you to be pumped up. Kindly use the comment section. Once again, which of the four kinds of graphs do you think are more common in actual writing? task one, is it line graph, bar, graph, pie chart or table? Let's see who are the possible candidates for the free online course for tonight.

Those who are actively using the comments section. So Rose said bar Maria bar Nia bar Hoonah line gel bar, bread pie. Yeah, line. Okay. The truth of the matter is, we're basing this on our 16 years of experience, so as you can see if it's your first time to attend our Facebook Live session, you might notice that we are in our mid 30s. But the truth of the matter is, we've been teaching IELTS for 16 years already, especially in my case, I first started as an iOS instructor when I was 18, and then opened Niner when I was 19. That's why plus 16 years now, at 35 years old, we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of 9.0 Niner. So drumroll, please. And the correct answer is table and slash or bar graph. So why are we sharing this with you guys? Because from now on moving forward, we want you to practice as many tables and bar graphs as you can, because these are the ones which are most common in the actual examination. Now I'm going to ask, sir, right, did we see that line graphs and pie charts never come out? Is that what we said?

No, actually, they do come out. But tables and bar graphs are relatively more common in the tests. So you would want to prepare for them a bit more compared to the other two?

Thank you, sir. I know what it's a diagram coming out in the actual exam. Which one is most common? Do you think it's a flowchart? Do you think it's an illustration of how something works? Or a map or a cycle? Now? The correct answer is maps come out more frequently as compared to the other flow charts, or diagrams or illustrations. That's why for all our live viewers, for tonight, we want you to be familiar with the directions, where's your north, where's your ease your West and yourself, including the four corners, south, east, south, west, north, east Northwest, because these are words that come in handy when you deal with maps in the actual examination.

So let's proceed to the three parts of writing task one, for writing task two, we call the three parts, intro, body and conclusion. But for writing task one, that's not how they are called. We begin with an introduction, followed by the overview. And then lastly, the specific details. So this is the approach in IELTS Writing Task one, general to specific. So let's overview. Let's the general trend before you go to the specific details. So I repeat, intro, followed by the overview, and then the specific details. But Sir Brian, some of our interviewees are asking us, what do you think? Or what is your opinion? Like candidates strike a separate conclusion? Are we supposed to write? There's the garbage collector? Will you please continue?

All right, let's talk about the conclusion. Actually, the instructions in IELTS Writing Task one tell you that you're supposed to write a report to a university lecturer highlighting the most important teachers and making irrelevant comparisons, you're not actually going to deduce any kind of conclusion from the tasks that you have. So my personal take on this is it is not necessary for you to write a conclusion, you're just supposed to write an overview. But here comes the debate, of putting the overview right after the intro, or right after the body or the specific details part as a conclusion. And my take on this it is it's better to write your overview right after your introduction, instead of putting it at the end, because the overview is an essential component of your tests. If you do not have a good overview, then you are destined to flunk the test. So sometimes, because you run out of time, your overview, which you will be putting at the end of your response might actually look haphazardly completed half baked or very messy, and you fail to edit it because you don't have time anymore.

So the result of that is you get a lower mark in the test so it's better to write your introduction, then follow it up with your overview, make sure that it is clean, it is absolutely summative and there are no flaws because that's very important and then your right your body so that even if you don't get to finish your specific details, you have a solid overview that the examiners will see. So we are not saying that it is impossible for you to write an overview at the end and you will not pass if you put your overview at the end. But this is actually for strategic purposes. We're teaching you how you're going to be able to ace the examination through the proper strategies and not mess up your test. So again, In our personal suggestion here at 9.0 niner, is to write your overview right after your introduction, not as a conclusive statement.

Thank you, Sir Brian. Guys more off overview versus conclusion later on. But let's talk about the introduction. In IELTS Writing Task one, you're not going to write anything new for the introduction, because all you have to do is to paraphrase the task description. So guys, what's the meaning of paraphrase, you express exactly the same idea. But this time, you're going to use your own words, you're not changing the thought, you're not changing the idea, you're merely changing the words. So Bio freeze is the same as rephrasing or re wording, guys, what is it that you're going to paraphrase? It's the task description, which is, by the way, always found at the top part of the page. And usually, it begins with the line graph below shows blah, blah, blah. Because we are also watching videos of other lectures on YouTube.

It's just a little unfortunate that there's this lecture on YouTube who is recommending the use of templates in the introduction, something like explicitly exhibited on the bar graph is, or some people write something like this. The figures on the graph reveal significant on the information on or about. The only trouble with this is IELTS examiner's know that you brought these with you as your bar on examination, it's as if it's that lunch. So this is not reflective of the quality of your English, especially because there's a sudden shift in the writings how the first line is written as clean as a whistle. But you are going to falter somewhere along the way from the second sentence all the way down to the last part. That's why we want to recommend we want to remind you, AI or artificial intelligence of PTE. And even IELTS examiner's can easily identify templates. So that's because they're checking several writing tasks in a day. And if they encounter something that's overused by other candidates, do not think that this is going to save you. So now we move on to the overview as of the second part. So what Sir Brian earlier was saying it's best to either overview immediately after the introduction, as compared to the last part, why? Imagine there are 20% of the candidates who cannot finish the two tasks in one hour. So what exactly is going to happen, if you're able to write an intro, you are able to write a well written overview, then you are not able to finish your specific details, well, you expect a little deduction for that, it's just that you're not going to totally fail in the examination because you were able to complete the most essential part of writing task one, which is the overview.

Now compare that scenario to something like this, you are able to finish your introduction, you finished your specific details. But just when you're about to write your overview or conclusion towards the end, that was when the test supervisor said on microphone, and watt hours submit your papers. So in the end, you are not able to write anything in your conclusion. And that means to say it, there is no overview at all in any part of the writing task or task why that is an immediate 4.0 Free task achievement, meaning to say it's going to pull you down. So clarification 9.0 Niner is not saying it's totally wrong to write the Conclusion towards the end, it's just that there are more than fits if you're going to write the overview or the general trend immediately after the intro duction. Now, before we go to the overview and specific details, so far, we don't have any other questions. So for the overview, you're going to present the trend. Are the figures increasing? Are the figures decreasing, or is it fluctuating, or the figures remain as is from beginning to end? So it's the trend that you're going to highlight in the overview? No wonder why for the intro beard. I wanted two sentences. For the overview. You're going through like one to two sentences as well.

But now you're going to wonder how are we going to write 100? How are we going to reach 150 words, if we only have one to two sentences in the intro and one to two sentences in the overview? That's because the longest part of writing task one, but not necessarily the most important is what we call the specific details. So now we're going to ask Sir Brian, right to hear how many paragraphs are ideal for this specific details, if we're going to write one to two sentences for the intro and one to two sentences for the overview, that's

a very interesting question. And this is something that I teach my students all the time, don't write only a single paragraph as much as possible right around two to three paragraphs that's going to show to the examiner that you know how to organize information. If you're going to put all the information in just one paragraph that's going to cut it in the test will look very disorganized or look very messy, like everything is just in a single compartment. Most IELTS experts will say that you have to organize in some way your body so around two paragraphs will be absolutely fine. But if you can get to three, that's okay, as well.

Thank you for that, Sir Brian. Now, you heard Sir Brian, that it's best that you're going to write around two paragraphs, or if the need arises, you can write up to three paragraphs in this specific details. But please be mindful, the minimum is 150. And mind you it's not too long. So if you're going to write two paragraphs in the body, maybe just maybe it's enough to write four sentences per paragraph, depending on the number of variables or figures in the graph. However, if you're presented with three graphs, that means to say you're likely to write three paragraphs for the specific details or body off writing task one, but this is when you do not overnight. Because even if you're presented with, let's say, 20 figures, or 30 figures in the entire graph, it doesn't mean that you have to include all of them. What matters most in IELTS Writing Task one, you're able to mention the most significant figures, usually, they are the highest, the lowest. And when was there a change in trend, say for instance, from 9090 to 9097, it went up, but from 97 to 99, it plateaued, and then from 2000 to 2001, there's a minimal dip, but from 2001 to 2120 10.

That's when it skyrocketed. I repeat, you do not write all the figures that you see, you just have to indicate the most interesting information. Because remember, if you're going to write three paragraphs in the body, or specific details of your writing task one, maybe just maybe it is enough to write around three sentences per paragraph. Because remember, 150 words, that's not too long. So guys, let's have a recap of what we have discussed for writing task one in the IELTS between the two graphs and diagrams, or flowcharts, graphs come out 80 to 90% of the time, and what's the most common table and slash or bar graph? But what if you took the examination on a day where a process actually came out or comes out? So over processes maps are more common? The three parts of writing tests one intro overview specific details, no need to write a separate conclusion. If you have written an overview immediately after your introduction for the intro, one to two sentences will do for the overview also one to two sentences. But for the specific details, it usually depends on how many graphs you see, if you see two graphs, then you write two paragraphs. If you're right, or if you see three graphs best write three paragraphs, but if you're only presented with one pie chart or one table, guys, you heard Sir Brian earlier, he discourages you from writing only one paragraph in the body because there is no way for you to reach 150 words if you only write one paragraph in the body, guys, one hour isn't so long. And I have noticed that time flies by so fast it's 8:49pm and we've been talking for 49 minutes already. If ever you want to learn tips on how to write well for PTE Sir Brian and I uploaded a video on YouTube recently.

All you have to do is to look for 9.0 Niner IELTS OET PTE. And that recent video that we uploaded is entitled How to ace pt e writing meaning to say what are the alternatives on how you can pass the examination without depending on templates that are recommended by YouTube lecturers who have not even taken the PTE, but are just banking on their native speaker status. That's why they have a lot of following. Now. We also want to highlight that if you're planning to take IELTS 9.0 Niner has more than 100 videos for IELTS listening reading, writing speaking grammar vocabulary, pronunciation, accent utilization, you name it. We We've got it covered in our YouTube channel, but YouTube is for those who are, you know, willing to allot 10 minutes 15 minutes or 20 minutes of their time. However, if you have a short attention span we would rather that you follow us on TikTok because for TikTok, most of the videos are shorter, like one to two minutes only. And you are not a visual person, you're more of an auditory person, we would rather that you listen to our podcast sessions, and now we are on Season Four already.

Since we launched our podcast in August, we've had more than 50,000 downloads worldwide from 133 countries. So make sure to just play our podcast sessions. Even if you're doing something, you really don't have to absorb everything. Because remember, if you don't want to look at something, all you have to do is to close your eyes and you can't see it anymore. But if you don't want to listen to something, you have no choice, you're going to hear it because we don't have ear lids to do that. So even if you're doing something else, just play our podcast sessions as your background music in order for you to learn more about the OET and other English examinations that are required or accepted should you choose the United States of America. And speaking of the United States, ladies and gentlemen, once again, if you do not have anyone to assist with your application, you are in the right page and you are in the right place, all you have to do is to go to C USA. That's And just upload a copy of your profile your resume or your CV and you're going to receive an email or communication from the people off Connetics you as a nursing now it's time for us to identify the lucky winner for tonight's Facebook Live session.

Well, Sir Brian and I have covered quite a lot in the last few months that we've been doing Connetics college Facebook Live sessions, but listening and speaking are assigned to swoosh English when you're at 9.0 Niner is in charge of reading and writing. So we're going to think of what could possibly be our next topic for the next Connetics college Facebook Live session. For tonight, we talked about writing task one last month, we talked about writing task two so maybe next month, we might discuss how to accept PTE reading or IELTS on computer reading. Because for the last two months, we already focused on writing so perhaps reading the next time around. Okay, let me identify our winner for tonight. Those who exerted effort to use the comments section and tag their friends. What else do we have here? The active participants?

I guess our winner is consistent because he was actually present at the beginning of our Facebook Live session. He responds whenever we asked questions, and that's the reason why he got our attention. So the winner for tonight. Congratulations, Brent Ryan Howlin, but ugly or Bahina. Congratulations, just message me directly on Facebook. But please expect a response tomorrow because I usually start working at 6am. So now that it's 9pm This is midnight for me already. So I'll respond tomorrow. But once again, congratulations to Sir Brent. If ever you want to win any of the freebies that we are offering, nothing to worry because 9.09 always conducts Facebook Live sessions and we reward the active participants. However, if you want to get a free book, all you have to do is either the to choose 9.09 or Makati as your official testing venue for the IELTS or number two, if you want to avail the free book Just show us a proof that you indicated 9.09 Or as your Aethalium Agent Under IDB, Philippines, but the test date must be on or before June 30th 2023. So once again, we'd like to thank everyone from Connetics Nurses Agency for Miss Tanya to Mr. Shawna to Miss Jennifer and obviously, our buddy here from the technological department of Connetics, Miss Melanes.

o guys, we'll see you next week, the fourth Monday of April for the next session of Connetics college and 9.0 Niner Review Center for English examinations every fourth Monday of the month. So guys, we'll see you next month but for now we'd like to read everyone a good night we hope that you've had a great time in the last hour so please enjoy the rest of the day or might as well sleep. Thank you.