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What Section Should I Prepare First in IELTS?

What do I need to review first, is it the writing, listening, or speaking?

It depends entirely on which areas are a weak for him, because, of course speaking is is the most difficult one, because that's the one that you need to get a band score 7, but it very much depends on the person.

For example, you could have taken the exam many years ago, and you maybe you passed in listening, reading and writing, and you think to yourself, I only need to focus on speaking but then there's been candidates that I've seen in Facebook groups in the past who've then decided I'm just going to focus on speaking and I'm not going to focus on the other ones, because I passed those, and then they end up failing in the ones that they originally passed in.

So I think it's really important to do a diagnostic at the beginning with a with a provider, like Swoosh or Niner and then you can find out exactly what your weaknesses are, because you might think your weaknesses are one thing.

And then when you do a, like an exam readiness test, like we do, which is like kind of like a predictor test, you actually find out that you're weak in other areas. So I think it's first and foremost, you need to understand, it's like going to say go into a doctor, okay or go into a nurse. In this case, we are the doctors, we are the nurses, you are the patient. So we have to diagnose what the symptoms are, what your problems are, and then we can then really put together a strategy for you to find out, this is the journey, you're here now you're anxious, you're overwhelmed, you're scared, you're feeling depressed about the situation like Eagle was, and then you went along this journey with Swoosh like Eagle did, and then he was able to pass first time with us. So I think it's important to see like that.

Well, number one, we need to establish your baseline, we have to note your current level, because we cannot move forward without knowing where you are right now. So this is not just for Peter, It's also for Katrina and for 30. So the other questions, two important tips, as mentioned, based in Swoosh English earlier self studying is dangerous, because no one can tell you if you already a lot of people depend on YouTube, but YouTube videos cannot tell you what's wrong with your speaking performance, or what you have to improve on in your output. That's why first things first, you have to feed your mind why you cannot give what you do not have. The more that you feed your brain, the more substantive your answers are in both writing and speaking at the same time, confidence is everything.

If you don't believe in yourself and how can you convince your examiner that you deserve that seven and speaking. So before I end, my contribution for tonight's talk show, I just want everyone to know that you have to believe that you can be better than who you are now. If you choose to live your life as a victim of your past choices or of others judgments, then you do not believe that you have the power to change it. Unlearn this slide, starve your fears. And keep on trying because you'll never know one beautiful day, you'll make it in the examination and you're just one step closer to the United States of America.

Thank you, Ervin, one beautiful day. That's what we want for everybody, Scott, any final words from the IELTS?

Well, I just want to back up and elaborate on really what Alex and Ervin said and that is that first and foremost, the IELTS exam is a difficult exam, because you do need to be able to provide English at a high level upper intermediate to advanced, but the same time it's not an impossible exam. And that's the attitude I do see from a lot of candidates they believe the IELTS exam is not for me, I don't have the intelligence, I don't have the skills.

Well, you know what everyone has the intelligence to pass this exam. You might not have the skills at this point, but skills can be learned and skills can be applied. In order to develop those skills, you first of all have to benchmark where you currently are. Where am I in my IELTS success story and to do that, you need to start off by benchmarking yourself.

Okay, if I were doing the IELTS exam today, what would I score right? I've scored this and reading, listening, writing and speaking, what areas are my strong in what areas in my weakness? How can I improve my areas of weakness? And how long will it take me to get there with the right tips, strategies and methods feedback and support? And that's what we do very well here we want to make sure that you can develop those skills and you will develop those skills with the upper bring tools, the appropriate support, the appropriate feedback.

Because the more that you see your progress from an area initially out to an area you want to be what happens to you, you're not frustrated, you're not angry, you're not in disbelief, you'll be in disbelief because you realize I can do this, I'm making progress towards that creates a confident and motivated and a confident is the place you want to be in order to get your IELTS result.

So take away today is really consider exactly how you're going to prepare for this exam. Do you want the past the first time ideally, or not the first time the next time you take the exam, and you want to actually enjoy the process, not pull out your hair at the end of every day you think it's not for you. Trust in yourself, trust in the experts make the appropriate investment towards doing so it will pay off many times. And I love to see you guys there much happier people.

Thank you, Scott and I like the word that you use the investment because it really is your investment in yourself. It's not something that you can just, no, it's not an indicator of your intelligence. And it's really an investment to learning skills from the experts.