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Tips for Buying a Car in the USA

James and Nicole, any last tips or pointers advice for anyone who is coming to United States and is going to have to buy a car?

For our program I just want to talk a little bit about that is, you know, you do have to be a part of one of our partner companies in order to apply for membership and for applying for an auto loan and so Connetics is one of those partners.

And they graciously cover the $5 deposit that it takes to become a member at Advancial. So if you're interested in using example, for your banking needs when you come here, just keep that in mind. And just I want everyone to be clear that you do have to be a part of our partner groups in order to receive these products and services.

Thank you for clarifying that Nicole, and James, any final words pointers and tips?

I just want to touch base on North Dakota and South Dakota, so if anybody's peeking down texting our experts about the driver's licenses and the requirements for those states. I just want to answer that one quick question because I know so many people asked about it. So in North Dakota, you don't really require anything other than your identification to verify who you are and in South Dakota, they look for either a learner's permit or a home country license, and you can convert that over.

So those are two of the easier states. I just wanted to provide easier and scope of you know, considered easy here in America.

So really just the only tips that I would offer to you is to do your research as we've mentioned, a handful of times. I know things are busy, I know things are, you know, exciting, and there's so many things to check off before you move to the United States. But take care of that international driver's license before you arrive, which again, is really just a English.  And review your options shop, you know, shop around and look for the best deal for you and what's best for you. And when it comes to selecting a vehicle to an appointment, this is not going to be your last vehicle that you ever purchase. You don't have to select the most expensive car or the dream car, you have time to fulfill that dream. Your first dream is to make it to America and then the next dream will be you know what kind of car you can drive. Okay, we can do it that way but don't necessarily put everything all into that car when you first arrive, focus on your other expenses first. And then just get the vehicle that's going to get you and your family around safely and to and from work so I would just say just focus on your home where you're living, and things like that. And then the dream car will come later.

I love it. I think everybody on the panel could definitely agree on that one keep your expenses low. I know this is the American dream and you see lots of beautiful shiny things that you want, and they can come but just in time.