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Renting an Apartment with Pets

Mary has a question Namita, is it hard to find an apartment that allows dogs? Also, is it better to look for an apartment while still in the Philippines or better to arrive there first and then look, what would your advice be on that?

So like I said, not all apartments allow pets, and the ones that do allow pets charge you extra. So that is why it's very important when you're bringing your pets budget have that in your budget that you will be paying extra every month for your pets as well as the deposit is higher if you have number two answer answering that question. My recommendation is, since I know most of the employers, they provide some kind of temporary housing, whether it is a month of extended stay or a couple of months, that gives you a very good, like a window where you can come over here personally, go through and do a tour of the apartments and then look for the apartments yourself. But like I had said you can online start researching and narrowing down where you want to be and how much you want to spend before you arrive so make it a two step process. Making a list and narrowing down your choices. And after you arrive over here, make a final decision.

Okay, so you're not going to be able to do it all from your home country. Most of it is probably going to be done when you arrive in the United States because they just things you can't know until you get here. So you can start that research but it's really going to only be able to be done properly when you're live in the United States.