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Average Rent in New York City

I see Romney is asking how much is an average rent in New York City and you know the answer to that one.

Yeah even though I'm not from New York, but I have a lot of friends but I helped. We're not we're an apartment in a community one man room is $3,500 food will only cost 25 and your next meeting, you're going to drive Mahamuni Subway like here I'm outside and welcome to your community. I mean, how can you expect an hour away from the community? I'm only a half an hour all are for two bedroom two bathroom I have amenities I have my own laundry, really vary for it or you're not in a hurry.

Okay, so as Anna says there's gonna be a very wide range of rentals available depending on the area and location how far outside of the if you're in a city, how far you are outside of the city, so it's going to be a wide variation.