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How Long After Documentarily Qualified for Interview?

How long we need to wait after the DQ to get an interview date? Some people are waiting for more than four months to get an interview at the UAE. Can you let me know about this?

I don't think four months is, unfortunately, that unusual in this day and age the consulates are mainly they've mainly worked through a lot of the backlogs that were delayed by COVID.

But the issues come down to the embassies themselves and consulates themselves just how busy they are. But I don't think four months is unfortunately unusual now. So I wouldn't be concerned at all by four months. I think that's probably around the new average or new normal.

I think patience is the answer there. We know it's frustrating. We know it's upsetting. We know it feels like you're waiting forever. But as Chris said, I think that the government is clearing up a lot of the backlogs that were caused by the pandemic. So we just have to wait and hopefully you'll be in the United States soon.